Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pausing to allow myself hear

A tickle in my throat, a tight chest, an angry sinus, a cough, stomach pains and a fast pacing mind. A deep sleep and awakening to hear keys in the front door, no voice, my mind tells me that I asked "who's there", no answer so I open my eyes, I can't see anybody yet because they haven't entered the living room where I lay under a blanket on the sofa. I speak again, this time louder and forceful "Who's there". Still no answer. My body craves rest, I close my eyes but my mind wonders who it is and refuses to allow me enter another sleep.

A book by Deepak Chopra that is called Synchro Destiny speaks about no such thing as coincidence, that everything that happens has a reason and a place. Everything that happens is influenced by the way we charge atoms in the universe around us. I'm also reminded of an experiment I read by a Japanese scientist Dr.Emoto in which he photographed water in various situations and environments only to find that the water in a positive environment was a beutiful shape under the microscope and the water in a less peaceful environment took on more crude or distorted shapes. He notes that we are made mostly of water and so what is the impact of our environment on our human being?

Remembering these writings encourages me to take note of where my body is right now, not in terms of location, but in health. When was the last time that my mind really rested? When did it last focus on the present, the here and now and resist the temptations to wander into next weeks diary, that job I should have completed by now or question me about why am I sitting apparently doing nothing?

I received an email from a friend who is a steward of the Art of Hosting and a wonderfully authentic human. It spoke about the need to slow down, based on her own experience of falling on the steps of her home because she was rushing inside to continue a conversation, she tore the muscles in her thigh. She was forced to slow down. Physically rushing was not an option now. But this could have been prevented had she just focused on what she was doing right there and then, which was walking up the steps. Without doubt now, that was the most important task to be completed before the conversation could continue.

My moral in this is that I too should slow down, that doesn't mean doing less work but doing it more intentionally. Then, it will reveal what i want to be doing. I don't want to be a slave to the dollar, but only I can make that choice.

By the way, There was nobody there, there were no keys in the door. My mind just would rest because I would let it. It disturbed my sleep and now I'm writing this blog. i do like sleep though, so for now, dear mind, please rest.


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