I did a search on twitter recently using the #YouthWork and found that most of those tweeting were coming from Youth Ministries, mainly in the UK. We have many of them here in Ireland also but they seem to be quieter in terms of online presence.
Reading through some of the tweets it brought several questions to my mind, her's some of them
Can a #YouthWorker who hasn't dealt with their own inherited prejudice really promote principles of equality & social justice? #YouthWork
— Alan Hayes (@jeditraining) January 27, 2013
If #YouthWork promotes inclusion, diversity,equality,social justice;should a #YouthWorker actively promote or seperate their faith?
— Alan Hayes (@jeditraining) January 27, 2013
The question about prejudice can from the following newspaper clipping I found on FB. I's love to hear your thoughts
What do you think? Do young people owe the world something? Does it owe them? Whats the role of #youthwork ? twitter.com/jeditraining/s…
— Alan Hayes (@jeditraining) January 27, 2013