It’s been some time since my last blog post. Many reasons for this, some are true and some are fictional in my own mind. But enough of that, lets catch up shall we?
So I want to speak about a few things on my mind at the moment. But not all in one post. So Firstly is the Murder of Ronan Kerr in Omagh. On reflection of hearing the news I am wondering why I was not so shocked? Is the death of a human being not something that deserves a shocked reaction? Is the death of a human by murder not demanding of outrage? Is it because it happened in Northern Ireland a contributory factor to me being slightly desensitised? What if it had been a Garda in the South of Ireland? Would I feel more outrage or emotional connection than I currently do?
It’s not that I don’t care, I absolutely do and I feel anger towards those who carried out the act, those who helped them (if there is a difference to be found) and their supporters. Those who believe they have the right to take a life in pursuit of their cause, whatever that is. In fact I’m unsure if they really know what it is. Claiming a 32 county Ireland as their goal highlights a complete ignorance to the intricacies of managing a system with foundations in history that are interwoven into the fabric of a nation’s mentality.
I am angry with myself for allowing murderous thugs who make a living through intimidating people and businesses while corrupting the innocence of young people with recruitment campaigns in Irelands estates where the Celtic tiger only stopped to use the toilet and discharge a new wave of problems, these same murderers have ensured that I am now desensitised to the horrors that came knocking on the door of the Kerr family in County Tyrone.
I question myself if I actually want to be more sensitive to this, what’s the benefit? And for who? I suppose I played a part in expressing outrage using the Twitter Hash Tag #NotInMyName. I contributed and I continue to contribute with this blog post but I wonder if those who carried out the murder actually use twitter? Do they use smart phones and have the minimalist IQ to engage with the world around them that must seem so small and intimidating from behind their blinkers that they resort to taking a life? Because if they don’t, what’s the point? Are we self-serving as keyboard warriors and massaging our own need to distance ourselves from this act? What is an appropriate way of expressing outrage?
What about Sinn Fein welcoming the Queen of England on her official state visit in May? The Crown Prince of Monaco visited Ireland for 3 days this week. I didn’t hear much humpiness from the ‘Shinners’ about his visit? But i remember well a conversation I had with a Shinner who assured me that Sinn Fein are opposed to monarchies, not just the british one.
So I look forward to the same level of protest for the the Prince of Monaco as the Queen of England, but I wont hold my breath for the Hiccups, I mean hypocrits.